Interactive Historical Fiction e-books
Tales of The Norse Gods And Heroes retold by Barbara Leonie Picard
Illustrated by Joan Kiddell-Monroe
Here are some of the stories told by the Norsemen who lived in Scandinavia from about two thousand to a thousand years ago— the Vikings. The people of the northlands were a nation of bold warriors and courageous women who admired above all things strength in battle and bravery against great odds, and considered themselves disgraced for ever if they let a wrong to themselves or to their families go unavenged. In the first part of the book are the stories of their gods: mighty Odin, Thor the god of thunder, the gentle Freya, Loki the mischief-maker and many others: gods who were even such as every Norseman longed to be, eternally striving against the hated giants who were the pitiless northern snows and the grim northern mountains. In the second part are tales of the Norse heroes, tales told in the long winter evenings of the northern lands. These are fine stories, finely retold by a distinguished storyteller; and Barbara Leonie Picard has the illustrations of Joan Kiddell- Monroe to point the force and splendour of her subject.