Interactive Historical Fiction e-books
The Black Buccaneer by Stephen Meader
Stephen Meader brings to life the daring adventures of Jeremy Swan, the fourteen year old son of a sheep farmer living in pre-Revolution Maine – that is, until his island home is plundered by pirates and Jeremy is taken captive. Once aboard the Revenge, Jeremy must use his keen senses to stay alive and stay out of the grips of the evil Pharaoh Daggs, who wants nothing more than to see Jeremy keelhauled. But what is Pharaoh Daggs hiding in his trunk? Jeremy and his fellow young captive Bob Curtis are eager to find out, but first they must escape the clutches of the pirate ship. With the help of the deserter pirate Job Howland, the boys find themselves free from the Revenge, but embroiled in a fierce battle between pirate and colonist, one that will ultimately decide who rules the sea – and who finds whatever Pharaoh Daggs is hiding.