Interactive Historical Fiction e-books
The Lady from Black Hawk by Barbara Leonie Picard
Three motherless children who decide to find a new wife for their father, a banker in the boomtown mining center of Idaho, select a promising candidate whose son just happens to be an outlaw. 1884 saw Idaho in the full throws ofgold and silver rushes, and Eagle City was at its heights, attracting the famous and infamous, including, Calamity Jane!
“A cracked mirror-image of Bonanza Girl: this time it’s a widower, Papa Morgan who brings his three motherless chicks to Eagle City, Idaho, a mining town on the make, where he opens a bank. The children have plenty of money but no Mama to bake lemon pie, to sew on their buttons and curl their hair. Unknown to Papa, they “propose” to the friendly washerwoman and consider Calamity Jane, but they center their efforts on the new school teacher (the lady from Black Hawk). Papa is perturbed, she is aghast—seems they broke up over the Civil War years ago. When danger threatens—in the form of hostility to the teacher on account of her no-account outlaw son—Papa comes to the rescue…”