Interactive Historical Fiction e-books
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and in so doing became an undying symbol of virtue. But most important, Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men offer young readers more than enough adventure and thrills to keep them turning the pages. Who could resist the arrows flying, danger lurking, and medieval intrigue? -Goodreads
“Who hasn’t heard of Robin Hood and his merry band of outlaws in Sherwood Forest? In this book you meet them all - including the powerful Little John, courageous Will Scarlet, musical Allan a Dale, and sly Friar Tuck. Howard Pyle offers what is probably the most complete and best collection of Robin Hood tales. All the old favorites are included - Little John and his quarter-staff toppling Robin into the water, Robin winning the golden arrow at Nottingham’s archery contest, and the Sheriff being outsmarted in numerous attempts to capture Robin. But these are just the tip of the iceberg - this book is chock-full of entertaining merry adventures.”
“Seldomly I’ve been so touched by a book as I was by Robin Hood. From the very beginning it was a lighthearted and happy tale of an outlaw and his adventures, told in a careless, joyful and entertaining language - depicting Robin Hood not as a criminal, but a lovely young man with a sharp wit, sense of humour and excellent skills with the bow. He is the king of his band of men yet they are equal, he shows mercy for the needing and sympathy for the weak. You wish him all good in the world and it is with a somewhat heavy heart that you wish him a good journey with the King of England when he “grows up”, and you shed tears when he returns to Sherwood after years of service to the King, even more so when his band of men all return to him. Even so, all things good must end and you feel like you’ve lost your dearest cousin, the one that was your favourite because he was charming, witty and wellmannered, as well as he had a pure heart...farewell Robin Hood, may you rest in peace.”