Interactive Historical Fiction e-books
The Story of Rama and Sita by Barbara Leonie Picard
Here, beautifully retold, are the adventures of the Indian hero, Rama; the story of his love, and long exile. Taken from the ancient legends of India, this is one of the great stories of the world. Full of heroic fights with demons and monsters, it combines some of the qualities if the Iliad, Beowulf, and the Arabian Nights.
For readers age 11 and above.
About the Author
Barbara Leonie Picard was born in England in 1917, and lived in Sussex from the age of three, except during her schooling at St. Katharine’s School in Berkshire. She decided, while she was at school, that one day she would write—but it was not until 1945 that she made any serious attempt to do so. Then she started to write imaginative stories of the type she had enjoyed as a child, and in 1947, she had a story broadcast on Children’s Hour. This was followed by many others, some of which were afterwards published in anthologies and annuals. Her first book was published in 1949.
Besides medieval and ancient history, Miss Picard numbered among her wide interests embroidery, collecting Japanese prints and complete recordings of grand opera, archaeology, languages, mythology, comparative religion, and folk culture. She died December 15th, 2011.”